A while back I picked up an ottoman cheap from an auction along with a bunch of other stuff. While I had actually made an ottoman for the sitting area outside the boys’ room, I just wanted in this case to take the very plain round bit of furniture and turn it into something more special.
(Below is a shot of the wee ottoman, wrapped in plastic, in the middle of the loot pile from an auction of a staging company’s stock.)
To spruce up the ottoman, I decided to play with fabric paints and a simple compass–not the type of compass that helps you tell direction, but one of those old-school tools that help one draw a proper circle. Slowly, using the compass and a variety of paints, the very drab off-white stool became something quite lovely.
The final result now sits in the great room. We like it as it’s quite unique, yet it fits in well with the space’s circle theme.