And here’s an unscheduled/bonus post detailing why…
Every few years we need to reseal our long-ass driveway. Since I’m in the middle of plotting how to deal with major road repairs, I searched out some new contractors other than the usual suspects (aka the handful of asphalt companies that already do work up here).
Long story short, I found a company called We Love Paving as I saw their truck heading down the hillside after apparently quoting driveway work on a nearby road. I got an initial estimate for a segment of our main road, plus one for resealing our driveway.
Then on 8/17/22 a crew arrived to do the driveway work. When they showed up I chatted briefly with them as they had questions about best places to turn their truck and trailer around; they were afraid our courtyard was a bit too tight. They then got to work, and I thought when they were done, one of the crew would tromp back down to let me know, as that’s what other contractors do. This crew was special though. And when I went out that night to attend my CPR/First Responder class, I found out just how special they were.
They failed to seal the entire driveway. The quote clearly called out the entire 715 feet of our driveway, the additional west easement used by our nearest and next nearest neighbors, and the roughly 4000 sq ft central courtyard. The crew, however, didn’t bother with the last one hundred feet of the driveway, nor did they seal the easement.
So I called their 888 number the next day and spoke to a dispatcher who said they’d relay my message. I left the next day for a holiday–from where I’m currently typing this in fact. No one got back to me. A week later I got a payment reminder, so I replied via email. Still no response.
I called in last week requesting a call back as there is a very large issue: namely your crew didn’t finish the work to the scope that I was quoted.
The easement and remaining 80’ or so of the driveway were not sealed. As of this evening, when my partner who is at the house, checked, the work still was not completed.I’m am currently traveling out of the country and need a direct number to the SJ office so this can be addressed.
Aug 27, 2022, at 7:47 PM, lc boros <>
I scoured my archived email, found a phone number for one of the admins, called her (forgetting it was probably 6am on a Sunday morning there) and she, even though she was on medical leave, gave me the number for Fred, “the owner.”
So I called Fred, left a voicemail explaining the issue and stating that since I was traveling, text messages were best.
And this is the hilarity that ensued.
You read that right. The guy insists, because his Google Maps area drawing shows he did the square footage in the contract, he’s done his bit. You will also note, though, that he ghosted me after I provided the huge block of text detailing that his crew shorted the job by 10%.
So then, when I got another payment reminder I responded to it.
You still have notaddressed (sic) the issues with the job: namely it was not completed.
I haven’t heard anything back in days regarding the status of this. Please sort out what is going on and when the job will be finished per the terms of the contract.
Attached is my last conversation via txt messages with 1-650-204-1776 regarding the matter.
Sep 2, 2022, at 1:58 PM, lc boros <>
To which I then got this lovely reply:
Please can you be specific what are you requesting or demanding? I can’t pinpoint exactly what are you asking for or complaining about.
And I’m sorry we’re not going to seal coat more than what we have in writing which is 13,884 sf which is the map I sent you highlighted in yellow.
Anything else is charged. I understand you want more work but we cannot give away our work for free as much as I like you as my client.
I hope this is just a miscommunication and that this is not your intention. If you made miscalculations or if the area you want sealed is more than what we charged for- then we can add a change work order and charge for the difference.
Here are my demands:
1) We demand prompt payment
2) We demand being treated fairly, professionally and with respect
3) We expect to be paid for work that we do and if extra is added- we charge for that difference
4) We expect that our clients are there to manage and inspect the work being performed by us- if no one is present then we have no one to inform we are leaving or to ask if any questions arise
5) We demand that site and all areas are free of vehicles and obstructions by the time we arrive to jobsite- if we’re unable to complete our work due to this and we have to go a second time- we expect to be compensated for the extra trip
6) We demand that you’re responsible for the measurements and information you provided us. We only ordered materials for the 13,884 sf. So if you miscalculated measurements and we’re short in supplies- then you are responsible for either paying more to cover the difference- or accepting coverage provided for the price agreed.
Please let me know how we can resolve this. Clear communication on both parts is also necessary to know exactly what are you asking for. As of now- me nor my my team understand what you want.
Thank you
Fred Tsal,
Sep 2, 2022, at 2:27 PM, Fred TS <>
So in summary:
- The crew left after completing the work without notifying me. If they had done so, this issue would have been noted immediately. The crew knew I was home when they began the work, as I met and chatted with them regarding how to turn around the truck and trailer. It is not my job to babysit a work crew.
- We have now physically measured the driveway 4 times and are +/- 3′ on all. Yet this Fred guy thinks his GoogleMaps drawing is more accurate than boots on the ground using a proper measuring wheel. The above is rather hysterical since I too can do area maps with Google and my maps always come in just shy of 14,000 sq ft, yet they also include the last 100′ of the driveway and the west easement.

Courtyard: 78’ x 51’ (plus a stub patch 8’x30’) — 3978 sq/ft (plus 240 sq/ft ) for a total of 4218 sq/ft
West Easement: 50’ X13’ — 650 sq/ft (Crew ignored this section)
Driveway: 715’ x 13’ from end of courtyard to junction of Higuera Highland — 9295 sq/ft
(Crew stopped at 615’) only 7995 sq/ft sealedMath thus tells us that:
4218+ 7995 = 12,213 sq ft was sealed
Original quote was for 13,884 sq/ft.
Thus 1392 sq/ft is still unsealed.
That is ten percent of the contracted work.
This was my final response to the time waster:
I contracted with you to pave our driveway and courtyard, not a picture of them. Amusingly enough, I too can generate square footage maps using Google and not only do they include the unsealed 100’ feet of our driveway and the 53’ of the west easement, but they all come in sub 14,000 square feet.
I see from online reviews that this though is your usual hustle. Thus if you are going to insist that such tools are more accurate than my multiple boots-on-the-ground measurements, we are done here.
This is what is going to happen: I have paid you the full amount. I will now leave appropriate feedback detailing this blip on all the pertinent sites plus I have already documented this little episode fully on our little blog.
Plus I included my own drawing!
Fun little side note: as I mentioned, I’m trying to get road repairs going and this was basically an audition job. Needless to say, this dude Fred won’t be in the running for the work. Plus I’ll dox him and find any of his buddies who might also be in the asphalt business and avoid them as well.
I also just realized when uploading Fred’s little drawing to serve as the featured image that he totally mucked up the actual perimeter of the courtyard, and thus my little goof of the southern nub isn’t even a factor: he thinks he sealed areas that are paved walkways and hedges. What a maroon.