It’s been a busy few days, as this past Friday we had all the doors re-keyed by professional locksmiths. It took the two nice guys from Keystone Security over five hours to deal with all 27 doors at the house. Yes, that’s twenty-seven doors that lock, not counting a couple of low-quality bedroom doors that unlock with a straight pin. Doors range from exterior sliding doors to interior doors that separate the main bedroom wing from areas for entertaining. Fun fact: we have a safe room, a wine room, and more storage space then we know what to do with. Neither of us are particularly packrat-ish, so a lot of the kitchen cabinets and extra closets will probably be empty for a while.
In addition to the locks, I also spoke with the alarm company and have that almost sorted out, and AT&T came out to install our POTS (Plain Old Telephone Service) line. The lovely tech terminated the line to the posts for the line that used to service the front gate (yes we have a large automatic gate at the end of the driveway). He did this instead of using the original main line to the house, which means that I can pick up the phone in the house, dial some numbers and open the gate when visitors or contractors arrive. Such a relief, as when the locksmiths arrived on Friday, I had to drive the golf cart (yes, we have a golf cart) down to the gate to open it for them.
About the only difficult item in my current task list is sorting out the septic woes. During the escrow period, we had a slew of inspections of the property completed. Everything checked out “ok” except for the septic tank, which needs to be replaced. Based upon what I’ve read, it’s going to be a lengthy process to get our system replaced and maybe eventually upgraded to an OWTS (Onsite Water Treatment System). Still, it could be worse.
Lastly, I have some nice little walk-through videos I shot Friday. I’m waiting for them to sync to iCloud so that I can include them on the site.