People that read the posts here know that we have a very large barn on the property. We found out from the Doc (the guy that had the house built in 1966) that the barn was built to help defray property taxes since this area is zoned for light agriculture. The skeleton of the barn is a combination of telephone poles and railroad ties, and there are six large stalls, a tack room and an office. After moving in, we discovered that the barn is full of all sorts of random crap, and by random I mean random–boxes of clay pigeons, old desks, card tables, bed headboards, a brick saw, an old barber chair, random wood scraps, old doors and bathroom vanities, and probably a million other things I have yet to unearth.
One of the side projects thus is cleaning out the stalls and rooms so we can have a new roof put on the structure, and have the sides tended to as it looks like a giant monster came along and took a bite out of a corner. Two of the stalls are pretty empty, except for very large mountains of bird poop and a few bits of wood and such. The other six stalls/rooms, though, are packed with junk. I started with what seemed like a medium-level difficulty stall.
Below is what I faced. The stuff in the first pic is a combination of old doors and other large flat things. We are pretty certain the wood on the left is leftover lumber from the house ceilings (the entire house has open/vaulted ceilings). The bins contain off-cuts of wood and there are roughly thirty plastic buckets scattered within. What you can barely see is that the entire back area of the stall was filled with real estate signs.
When we have a dumpster on the property for a large project like, say, the hot tub replacement (more on that later I promise), I’ll work a bit on emptying out that stall. I suspect I may have bitten off more than I can chew, but I do now have my very own respirator.