Back when we lived in San Francisco we had a small collection of items put together as our “just in case/disaster preparedness kit.” Basically it was a collection of random first aid items, water, a blanket and some water tablets.
One of the recent items on my list of things to do was to revamp the old kit and put together something a bit more extreme, so building off what we had and poking around a few online sites this is what we now have.
- Batteries 12 AA (8)
- Bungee cords
- Candles
- Canned Water
- Crank Flashlight
- Duct tape
- Dust masks
- First aid kit
- Freeze Dried Food
- Hand sanitizer
- Lantern
- Moist towelettes
- Multitool
- Neoprene gloves
- Notebook
- Plastic sheeting (5mm)
- Rope
- Sanitary napkins*
- Sharpies
- Soap bar
- Staple gun and Staples
- Tarp
- Toilet paper (3)
- ToolKit
- Toothbrushes (2)
- Toothpaste
- Trash bags
- USB power charger
- Utility knife
- Water purification tablets
- Water Space blankets (2)
- Ziploc bags
- Zipties
- Plastic bucket and lid with
- Bleach
- Crowbar
Everything is now tucked neatly away in the large Pelican case especially obtained for this (or in the case of the bleach, in the 5 gallon bucket.) Added bonus: now that this project s complete, the case is now no longer in the foyer but stowed within easy reach.