While mucking about, cleaning up the backend of Purgatory’s website this week, not only did I discover the scheduled publishing feature, but I also came across this early post.
The original list of projects from June 7th, updated today (anything struck through is done or off the list with a note):Roof–New FoamWell Tank–ReplaceSeptic Tank–Replace (Permit required!)Plumbing–Kitchen sink pipeDriveway–Repair and seal
Furnace–Replace (Have quotes but holding off.)Electrical–New Panel
Irrigation–Plot out what is where and address issues. (Working on this one.)
Fences–Replace/Repair all (Going on now!)
Retaining Wall–Replace existing 300ft long wall (Permit required!) (Working on this one as well–currently in the soil study/topo map stage.)
Garage Drainage–Build small wall
Patios and Exterior–part of retaining wall project (Have quotes but dithering.)
Fascia–part of retaining wall project (Have quotes but dithering.)
Siding–New (Holding off for now.)Large Barn–demolish (Permit required!) (Not going to happen.)Kennel –demolish roofPool Cover and Tiles–repair/replace (Still need to see about the tiles but after the wall is done.)Dining Room Floor–Repair damage
So yes, we’ve been busy. Plus that was just the initial list.
Also, we have made friends with another neighbor. This little guy is Happy and belongs to our nearest neighbor (whom we met a few weeks back). He’s been supervising all morning as AS and his dad work on the yard fence. He’s incredibly filthy, but also incredibly adorable.