Last week a lot of small things got done:
1. Sold the old golf cart. Agent Smith somehow broke it, so we Craigslisted it.
2. Got rid of a ton of boxes, mainly from packages we’ve had shipped as I’m currently squirreling away all the nice moving boxes in the Studio.
3. Set up the planter boxes (more on that in a bit).
4. Commandeered the shed back behind the pool for use as my little garden center. I even found a small, portable potting bench on Amazon that fits inside the shed. Below is a pic in its current state.
5. New rugs for the kitchen arrived and are now in place. I’m currently waiting on new shades for the pendant track lighting over the west counter.
6. Ordered a new mattress and box springs for the guest room, which arrived Saturday. Who wants to be our first overnight guests?
7. Installed new CO and smoke detectors in various rooms.
8. Learned we have a lovely giant fig tree that’s now being used by the Department of Agriculture for an invasive fly study.
9. Unpacked the massive pile of boxes containing books, alphabetized and then shelved them. Still need some risers for 12 of the shelves, but now I just have 5 bins of random things and 5 boxes of files left to unpack. (We had a few duplicates.)
10. As you can see in the pics above of the bookcases, I also found the hardware for the china cabinet and yesterday afternoon we put it together. Later today I will clean my agitatized coral pairs and put them on display.
11. Purchased and installed a large double curtain rod across the front of the boys’ alcove. The back rod has curtains I made from plastic sheeting, and the front has the curtains we used on the french doors at the house in San Francisco. The overall effect looks good and functions like a mini-hazmat room, keeping Thy’s dust from getting totally out of control (although we do have a Blueair filter in their space which really keeps things tidy).
12. Last night we climbed up onto the roof to install the new weather station (first pic below). Agent Smith conquered his terror of heights and managed to get it up on the pole.
13. I then cleaned and sealed up the pipes to the pool solar that resides on that roof (second pic), and after that is a good shot of the new pool solar I took while I was up there.
14. I then climbed up to the great room roof to pull down one last old antenna and moved the network cable so that it terminates in the south office. That required Agent Smith to run a new wire to the north (my) office. Below are some shots of our lovely new roof that is clear of non-useful dishes and wires.
15. While I was doing my bit of roof work, Agent Smith sealed up the roof where the electricians had to punch through for the new service. He got to use a putty knife so his work ended up much tidier than mine.
16. The moldings for the purple bedroom (library) and my office floors finally arrived last Friday. At some point, when I’m less annoyed, I’ll write about that saga, but for now it means the installers will be here tomorrow to finish the floors and I can then finish putting together my office.
17. Lastly, I had a team of housecleaners come through today and the house is now much tidier. All the dust and debris from the last few weeks is gone and walking through the house is now a rather pleasant experience.