After our bedroom was finally painted in 2023, I dug out my mother’s old spice cabinet. I had pilfered it years ago and over the years it served a variety of roles, from tiny curio cabinet to random storage spot. One section of the top had been nibbled on by one of the boys.

I did a quick rough sanding, carved an unused chopstick to replace the bit of missing trim, and then got busy with some paint and leftover craft bits. Using a weird foam roll I found in a craft clearance bin, I turned the bottom drawer into a space for rings. Then after bejeweling the inside of the box, I painted some unused command hooks and placed them inside, and added a handful of hooks to the exterior sides. Finally I had an odd bit of wood with two large dowels attached, so I painted that and put it on the top shelf.
We’re pretty happy with the result. It hangs above the dressing table/desk in our bedroom. It has proven quite useful, though the table itself is a bit cluttered and needs a good tidying.