One of the slightly annoying things about my gigantic office is that the only light sources when we moved in were the weak bulbs in the ceiling fan and some rather horrible and unsafe strip lights (aka yet another fire hazard from the previous owners) tucked high up into the molding. Before we even had the carpet ripped out and the new bamboo floor put in, Agent Smith removed the strip lights, but for a while the only source of light in the room was my small desk lamp.

We managed to resurrect the pole light that once belonged to my grandparents, and it stands just inside the doorway of my office. It’s meant to use spring tension to stay upright in place, but because of the peaked ceilings throughout the house, we actually used a small mug hook and some wire to keep it in place. Years ago I repainted it and salvaged the plastic shades that were slowly dying. Thanks to advances in LED lights, I was able to completely remove the fracturing shades and now have very pretty bulbs in place. Below are shots of it during the day and at night.
Of course, nothing is ever easy here at Purgatory. When Agent Smith went to connect the lights to the switch once used by the horrible light strips, it fell apart. Oh, and that funny little remote control near the switch? That’s one of the many rather awful fan/light remotes we have here. They were installed by the POs to control the fans and they are just crap. They only function if you stand directly under the fan and point the remote at it; any sort of angle simply defeats the signal.
I’m pleased to say that I now have some very nice track lights installed courtesy of Agent Smith. They look quite nice and we will eventually add two more. The second pic below is of my office at night with three different bulbs in use. I wasn’t too fond of the ultra cool light in the far corner, so when we bought two more lights for the setup, we replaced that bulb. Last pic is the finished look. (There’s a fifth light on the right side that brightens up my computer desk area.)