When the garage was erected in the 1970s, the Doc hung some cabinetry along the south side and back east walls. The build quality by today’s standards was a bit rough. In addition to the cabinets, there were two large tables . You can see one of them in the first pic in the gallery below.
The tables had their uses over the years. At first they were used mainly for storage, but things would often languish on the bottom shelf–out of sight, out of mind. Eventually we added casters and they became a bit more useful, as they could be easily moved and the added height made them more comfortable work areas. Eventually they were replaced by work benches we created by purchasing some butcher block-style counter tops from Home Despot and mounting them to some table frames. Then some of the race team showed up to tear the old tables apart. It was an amusing project.
I even shot some video footage of the destruction. Enjoy!